All the News
What’s in a Pattern?
Have you ever wondered what it takes to create a knitting or crochet pattern? Maybe you've wondered why some patterns are free an others are not? Have you ever gotten a pattern and found mistakes? And, why are there all those different ways of creating new stitches?...
Stitching Up Our History
The recent women’s marches and their symbolic knitted hats are not the first, or last, time women have used knitting and other needle crafts as a means of political participation. In the USA, there is a long history of women taking up their needles to further a political agenda. Read our most recent post to learn more!
Nifty Tricks – Dropped Stitches
By far the most sought-after request for help we get is how to pick up dropped stitches. Hardly a day goes by that someone doesn't walk through the door with a look of panic on her face! While a dropped stitch can certainly seem like the end of the world, in most...
Yarn Travelers – Portland Oregon
Patricia and her husband recently took a trip to Portland, Oregon. While her husband was busy checking out bicycle shops (his hobby), Patricia was able to visit six yarn shops - all in and around the city. Here are just a few of the pictures she took. Click any of the...
Click for Babies Charity Project
Help Prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome Did you know that all babies go through what is called the "Period of Purple Crying"? This is the time that new parents are most vulnerable to loosing their cool and babies are most susceptible to shaken baby syndrome. That's why...
93 Year Old Shop Regular Angie Margulis
When Angie Margulis walks into the shop on Saturday mornings, on the arm of her son, Yarn and Thread Expressions lights up. Her son, has been bringing her in every Saturday since Angie gave up driving at age 90. She is now 93 and holds the distinction of being the...
2017 Fair Comes to Yarn and Thread Expressions
The San Diego County Fair has closed its gates for 2017, but some of the Home and Hobby entries live on at Yarn and Thread Expressions. Stop by soon to see all of our knitted and crocheted entries on display right now in the shop. The number of awards our friends won...
June Outings
We had a busy month in June, starting with World Wide Knit in Public Day on June 10 and ending with the Stitch n Pitch at Petco Park hosted by The Yarnover Truck. If you missed out, here are some pics from the events and, don't worry, these happen every year so you...
Yarn Travelers – Amsterdam
Stephen & Penelope is the name of a delightful yarn shop we found after wandering the streets and canals of Amsterdam. This completely 'bombed bicycle' greeted us in the window. Since we had been dodging bicycles throughout our walk, this one in the window served...
April 2017 Newsletter
Squeeky Says... Hello fiber enthusiasts! This is Squeeky, I'm the top dog around the shop. I'd like to welcome you to the first issue of our monthly newsletter. Here you will find information about what's happening at the shop, new yarns and tools we have, upcoming...