It is Official! We’re celebrating International Yarn Bombing Day, June 12, 2013!
Yarn bombing is a street art movement which began about 10 years ago. It has spread around the world where knitted or crocheted objects are wrapped around signs, statues, buildings and vehicles – anything that holds still long enough. We will participate by creating knitted or crocheted strips, in colorful Stripes for the Kensington Library – the first of a series of yarn bombings at various SD branch libraries. We are signed up for the bars on the Kensington Library entry ramp and stairs. For this part of the project we need volunteers to help make the 21 strips that are to be 5.5” wide and 14” long. All together, the event at the Library will be covering trees, bike rack, sign posts, and stair, ramp, and sidewalk railings. How fun is that!?
You can use any kind of yarn(s), as long as you make STRIPES. The depth of the stripes and different colors are your choice to make. This is a great way to use up the bits and bobs of leftover yarn you may have laying about. If you don’t have enough leftover yarn, the shop can provide you with some for no charge, courtesy of generous donors. The Schedule:
- Beginning May 6, 2013: commit to making 1 (or more!) of the 21 strips
- June 1st, Saturday: Drop off the strips at the shop OR
- June 3rd., Monday: Drop off the strips at any SD branch library OR
- June 11th, Tuesday: bring your strip(s) with you to help install them at the Kensington Library from 5pm to 8pm.
Stop by the shop to make a claim on one or more of the strips, or call – 619-460-YARN, or email: I hope you join in the fun!! Carol